We have been working very hard preparing our music and have a wonderful show ready to present to you. This year the concert will be held in the GYM in order to accommodate our ever growing crowd and allow for the students to also be part of the audience.
- Students should wear jeans or black pants and either red, white, or green on top. Students will be sitting on the gym floor so please do not put girls in fancy holiday dresses or boys in suits.
- Arrival time for students is 6:00pm - 6:15pm.
- The Concert will begin promptly at 6:30pm.
- Upon arrival, students will go to an assigned area in the gym to sit - Partee Staff will assist in directing your student to the correct area.
- To be respectful of all performers, we are asking that everyone stay for the entire concert which should last approximately 30 - 45 minutes.
- To ease dismissal, students will exit the gym first and go to an assigned room on their Grade Level. Parents will be allowed to exit once the students have left and they may pick up their student(s) from the Grade Level Classroom.