On this page you will find the answers to some of the questions you might have about
Ms. Breland and the Music Room. I will continue to add questions and answers as I get them.
On this page you will find the answers to some of the questions you might have about
Ms. Breland and the Music Room. I will continue to add questions and answers as I get them.
What kind of music do you listen to?
It really depends on what sort of mood I'm in or what I'm doing at the time. When I really need to concentrate on something or I just want to relax, I will listen to instrumental music like Classical, Jazz, or even Original Soundtracks from my favorite movies. If I need energy for working out or doing projects around my house, I listen to mostly upbeat pop and rock-n-roll from the 1980's or songs that are currently popular on the radio.
Who are some of your favorite composers?
Below I have listed some of my all time favorite composers...I'm working on adding music examples for each of them so you can hear their amazing music. I will group them by the style of music they play.
... Classical Composers ...

~ Claude Debussy ~
- born: 1862 / died: 1918
- French composer
- Friends with many impressionist painters like Monet
- accomplished pianist who attended the Paris Conservatory at age 11
- oldest of 5 children in his family
- started taking piano lesson at the age of 7
- "Clair de Lune" from the Suite Bergamasque is considered one of most well known pieces
~ I learned & played these pieces in Middle/High School ~
Coming Soon!
~ I learned & played these pieces in College ~
~ A few of my other Debussy favorites ~
Coming Soon!

~ George Gershwin ~
- born: 1898 / died: 1937
- American composer
- Best known for his piece "Rhapsody in Blue"
- often collaborated with his brother, Ira
~ I learned & played these pieces in High School ~
Coming Soon!
~ A few of my other Gershwin favorites ~

~ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ~
- born: 1756 / died: 1791
- Austrian composer of over 600 works
- started playing piano at age 3, copying what his older sister Maria Anna, nicknamed Nannerl, would play
- began performing for the public and writing his own compositions at age 6
- composed his first mass for church at age 12 and first opera at 14
- had 6 children with his wife Costanze Weber but only 2 children survived past infancy
- earned quite a bit of money from his operas but his extravagant lifestyle often left him with little or no money
- died at the young of age 35
~ I learned & played these pieces in Elementary/Middle/High School ~
Coming Soon!
~ I learned & played these pieces in College ~
Coming Soon!
~ A few of my other Mozart favorites ~
Coming Soon!